Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chicken Pop Pod:

It seems like these days anyone with VH1 thinks they’re a pop-culture aficionado. Well, step down, Cobra Commander, because I know some fellas who could pop-culture you into next week! I don’t even know what that means, but they could do it. Their names are Chicken, Pop, and Pod. Right. Not really, and I fear for any children who might actually have names like that. Their podcast, however, IS called Chicken Pop Pod, and they’re the best pop-culture podcast I’ve ever come across.

Join host Christopher as he gets together with some of his closest chums. There’s the other Chris (you know, the one with hair), Greg, and Jaime, and a bevy of other guest hosts. They’ve pretty much got it all. Current pop-culture nuggets, retro topics, top five lists of everything from arcade games to breakfast cereals, and a little segment called, “Aw, I freakin’ remember that!”

The boys cover anything and everything; movies, music, television, cartoons, and comics. In one particularly awesome episode, they interviewed Larry Kenney (Lion-O from Thundercats). With a unique sense of humor and a style all their own, CPP will take you back through your favorite childhood memories and have you yelling, "Aw, I freakin' remember that!"

If you're the kind of person who will stop to watch The Goonies whenever it's on TV, or still remembers all the lyrics to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song, then you'll love this show, and look forward to the new episodes as much as I do. Check them out in iTunes, or at their website: chickenpoppod.com.

A word to the wise. Listening to Chicken Pop Pod with headphones on could be hazardous to your reputation. You'll become known as that "weird guy who laughs to himself." Proceed with caution.

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