Monday, September 21, 2009

Google Is A Girl's Best Friend

We've all done it. Whether it was spurred onward by curiosity or boredom we've all tried it once or twice. We sneak a furtive glance over our shoulders and snicker a little at the vaguely naughty sounding name. I'm referring, of course, to Googling yourself. The grand tradition of entering your own name into the Google search engine to see just what it will turn up.

However, Googling yourself isn't just a device to alleviate boredom momentarily. Google can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. Especially for students looking to enter the job market. If there is once piece of advice that I have heard over and over again in my journalism classes, (those J-school teachers are on top of their game, a kid could learn a lot listening to them.) it's this: Google is your resume. Rest assured, gentle readers, that at some point in your life, someone (and that includes potential employers) is going to Google your name. What are they going to find? Facebook photos from spring break last year when you got wasted and decided it would be awesome to make out with a cardboard cutout of Justin Timberlake? Maybe a Twitter feed that is chocked full of posts about how much you hate your current boss? Hardly the sort of impression that you want to leave on the world, I'm sure.

The problem is that so many of us have used the Internet as an informal tool for so long, that we tend to forget that it can be more than just MySpace or the Internet Movie Database. We've used it as a toy so much that we don't always remember that more than just your friends list can access your info.

The key to everything is balance. You need to learn how to show your personality without being unprofessional. Utilize what I like to call the "Grandmother Directive." A few months back, my grandma, bless her heart, signed up for a Facebook page. Ever since I recovered from the shock and added her to my friends, I've tread a little more carefully when updating my status, posting notes, or uploading photos. I have to stop and ask myself, is this something that would embarrass my grandmother? What is she going to think when she sees this? It's surprisingly effective. I can still be myself and have fun, but I try to steer myself away from anything that I wouldn't want Grandma to see. It gives me a nice blend of fun and professionalism.

As you merge from the world of student to professional, make sure that your online presence reflects that. Be friendly and amiable, but not too informal. Use correct grammar and hit that spell check button once and awhile. Definitely make sure not to fall back into the swirling vortex of internet slang. You may love all those OMGs and LOLs right now, but I doubt your future boss will be quite so impressed. Above all else, be professional. Show everyone that in a world of glittery MySpace profiles and Twitter posts about what's on TV tonight, that you have something to say, and you know how to say it.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chicken Pop Pod:

It seems like these days anyone with VH1 thinks they’re a pop-culture aficionado. Well, step down, Cobra Commander, because I know some fellas who could pop-culture you into next week! I don’t even know what that means, but they could do it. Their names are Chicken, Pop, and Pod. Right. Not really, and I fear for any children who might actually have names like that. Their podcast, however, IS called Chicken Pop Pod, and they’re the best pop-culture podcast I’ve ever come across.

Join host Christopher as he gets together with some of his closest chums. There’s the other Chris (you know, the one with hair), Greg, and Jaime, and a bevy of other guest hosts. They’ve pretty much got it all. Current pop-culture nuggets, retro topics, top five lists of everything from arcade games to breakfast cereals, and a little segment called, “Aw, I freakin’ remember that!”

The boys cover anything and everything; movies, music, television, cartoons, and comics. In one particularly awesome episode, they interviewed Larry Kenney (Lion-O from Thundercats). With a unique sense of humor and a style all their own, CPP will take you back through your favorite childhood memories and have you yelling, "Aw, I freakin' remember that!"

If you're the kind of person who will stop to watch The Goonies whenever it's on TV, or still remembers all the lyrics to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song, then you'll love this show, and look forward to the new episodes as much as I do. Check them out in iTunes, or at their website:

A word to the wise. Listening to Chicken Pop Pod with headphones on could be hazardous to your reputation. You'll become known as that "weird guy who laughs to himself." Proceed with caution.

This Message Brought To You By:

I’m never writing a memoir.

It’s just too weird to write about myself…says the girl who started a blog and is now writing about herself. In my defense, I didn’t really start this to ramble on about myself. I have the much loftier goal of writing thought-provoking and intelligent essays and articles. However, I probably will just end up prattling on about my life more often than naught.

At any rate, if I’m going to be writing this, and you’re going to be reading it, I figured I ought to at least say something about who I am. So, here’s the CliffsNotes version of my life. Make of it what you will.

I’m in my twenties. I attend college in Las Vegas, Nevada and major in journalism. I’m a novelist (or I’m trying to be). I own a cat who is most likely the offspring of the devil, but I love her anyway. I work full time in a call center with co-workers who are absurd enough to spawn their own sitcom. I have a bad habit of using “Your Mom” as my only comeback (even when it doesn’t make sense), and making “That’s what she said” jokes. I drive around town in a Volkswagen Beetle that has a plush warthog on the dashboard. I can quote scary amounts of dialogue from any Joss Whedon television show. I love books, tea, lip gloss, podcasts, flip flops, pop culture, and pink lemonade.

And that’s all she wrote. Enjoy the blog.

Stay classy,